Welcome to the Floral Inspiration gallery of Jindrich (Henry) Degen. To see details of each picture, click on the thumbnail.
Picture details as far as medium and dimensions are listed below the gallery.
- Floral Motive
- Floriade (Anthea)
- In the Garden (GHM Funerals staff)
- End of Day (Suzanne and Bhupi)
- Flowering
- Flowerage
- Symmetry
- Petals
- Golden Flower (Chantal A.)
- Garden Setting (Leanne E.)
- Garden (Suzanne)
- Flowers at Night (Chantal A.)
- Flower Pots (Chloe)
- Flower Time (Rheanna)
- 4-3-2-1 (Bhupi; Rheanna; Belinda B.)
- A Nice Day
- Emblem (Frede G.)
- Still Life (Candice)
- Solitary Duo (Ben & Kaz)
- Composition (Emma & fam; and Bhupi)
- In the Sun (Chloe)
- Flower Phantasy
- Petals 2
- Neighbourhood (Gloria W.)
- Flower Burst (Megan)
- Lush Surroundings (GHM Funerals staff)
- Full Bloom (Suzanne & Ashley and Angelika/Eva T.)
- Happy Flowers (Greer)
- Colourful Meadow (Paul C.)
- Signum, (Tina D. & fam)
- Blossoming (Cheryl H. and Bhupi))
- Rondeau (Cheryl H. and Rubie)
- Modesty (Phuong P.; Louise C.)
- Orange Flowers
- Blossoms (Rubie)
- Luxuriance (Rubie)
- Full Bloom 2 (Louise S.)
- Softly Flowering (Chantal A.)
- White on Purple (Belinda B.)
- Triangular Growth (Kait L.)
- Four Heart Petals, 30 x 37 cm
- Flowers by Night ((Mandy R.)
- Eight Petals (Chantal A.)
- Six Petals (Georgie)
- Eye of Flower (Georgie)
- Three Sisters (Angelika T. and Georgie)
- Poinciana (Chantal A.)
- Garden Corner 2 (Magdalena W.)
- Orange Flowering (Belinda)
- Twofold Blooming (Kim)
- Happy Flowers 2 (Anthea)
- Flower on the Move (Kim and Tess)
- Flower Abundance (Bhupi)
- Hanging Hearts (Regina S)
- Reaching for the Sun (Regina S)
- Reaching for the Sun 2 (Lisa P.)
- Unknown Flower (Louise C.)
- Love in Bloom
- Red and Yellow (Regina S)
- Tall Bloom (Monique)
- Big Bloom (Pam T.)
- Small Bouquet (Lucy C.)
- Flowers and Sky
- Trio (Pam T.)
- Flaming
- Bouquet (Gavin)
- Gerberas 4 (Magda P.)
- Red Hibiscus
- Gladioli (Magda P.)
- Palm Flower
- Daisies (Monique)
- Sisters (Magda P.)
- Sisters 2
- Irises
- Flaming 2 (Magda P.)
- Looking over the Fence (Magda P.)
- Golden Flower 2 (Magda P.)
- Red and Violet (Monique)
- Floral Beauty (Magda P.)
- Two Sisters
- Gathering of Friends
- Bouquet 2 (Magda P.)
- Golden Flower 4 (Dawn M.)
- Golden Cluster
- Pink Beauty
- Pelargonium
- Bouquet 3 (Magda P.)
- Pink Beauty 2 (Denise W.)
- Orange Glory
- Orchids
- Red and Orange (Magda P.)
- Pink Cluster
- Golden Bloom (Monique)
- Field of Orchids (Magda P.)
- Flower Patch (Magda P.)
- Flower Burst 2
- Field of Flowers
- Field of Flowers 2
- Field of Flowers 3 (Magda P.)
- Blue and Brown
- Blue and Purple
- Blowing in the Wind
- Black and Orange
- Red Blossom
- Praying Flower
- Flower Window
1. Floral Motive (Acrylic on board, 59 x 58 cm, 2006)
2. Floriade (Acrylic on board, 47 x 63 cm, 2002)
3. In the Garden (Acrylic on board, 60 x 90 cm, 2009)
4. End of Day (Acrylic on board, 51 x 42 cm, 2011)
5. Flowering (Acrylic on paper, 28 x 28 cm, 2006)
6. Flowerage (Collage and acrylic on paper, 27 x 26 cm, 2008)
7. Symmetry (Acrylic on paper, 27 x 27 cm, 2006)
8. Petals (Acrylic on paper, 27 x 27 cm, 2006)
9. Golden Flower (Mixed media on paper, 28 x 28 cm, 2010)
10. Garden Setting (Acrylic on paper, 38 x 28 cm, 2009)
11. Garden (Acrylic and pastel on paper, 28 x 39 cm, 2009)
12. Flowers at Night (Acrylic on paper, 29 x 38 cm, 2009)
13. Flower Pots (Acrylic on paper, 26 x 32 cm, 2009)
14. Flower Time (Acrylic on paper, 22 x 28 cm, 2010)
15. Four, Three, Two, One (Acrylic on paper, 24 x 30 cm, 2010)
16. A Nice Day (Oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, 2011)
17. Emblem (Oil on board, 55 x 55 cm, 2001)
18. Still Life (Oil on board, 58 x 45 cm, 2002)
19. Solitary Duo (Acrylic on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 2016)
20. Composition (Oil on canvas, 51 x 41, 2004)
21. In the Sun (Acrylic on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 2018)
22. Flower Phantasy (Acrylic on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 2016)
23. Petals 2 (Oil on board, 52 x 45 cm, 1987)
24. Neighbourhood (Acrylic on board, 51 x 41 cm, 2016)
25. Flower Burst (Acrylic on board, 56 x 29 cm)
26. Lush Surroundings (Acrylic on canvas, 85 x 68 cm, 2012)
27. Full Bloom (Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 60 cm)
28. Happy Flowers (Acrylic on board, 53 x 42 cm, 2017)
29. Colourful Meadow (Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 60 cm)
30. Signum (Acrylic on canvas, 50 x 60 cm)
31. Blossoming (Oil on board, 70 x 46 cm)
32. Rondeau (Acrylic on canvas, 70 x 50 cm, 2016)
33. Modesty (Acrylic on paper, 20 x 26 cm, 2009)
34. Orange Flowers (Oil on paper, 27 x 38 cm, 2005)
35. Blossoms (Acrylic on paper, 22 x 28 cm, 2010)
36. Luxuriance (Acrylic on paper, 37 x 27 cm, 2012)
37. Full Bloom 2 (Pastel on cardboard, 21 x 33 cm)
38. Softly Flowering (Gouache on board, 25 x 35 cm)
39. White on Purple (Acrylic on cardboard, 30 x 42 cm)
40. Triangular Growth (Acrylic on cardboard, 27 x 36 cm)
41. Four Heart Petals (Acrylic on cardboard, 30 x 37 cm)
42. Flowers by Night (Acrylic on cardboard, 30 x 40 cm)
43. Eight Petals (Acrylic on cardboard, 28 x 28 cm)
44. Six Petals (Acrylic on cardboard, 28 x 28 cm)
45. Eye of Flower (Acrylic on cardboard, 28 x 28 cm)
46. Three Sisters (Acrylic on paper, 30 x 22 cm)
47. Poinciana (Acrylic on cardboard, 22 x 16 cm)
48. Garden Corner (Acrylic on board, 41 x 29 cm)
49. Orange Flowering (Acrylic on paper, 42 x 30 cm)
50. Twofold Blooming (Acrylic on paper, 42 x 30 cm)
51. Happy Flowers 2 (Acrylic on cardboard, 30 x 20 cm)
52. Flower on the Move (Nature in Art, p. 137)
53. Flower Abundance (Acrylic on paper, 42 x 29 cm)
54. Hanging Hearts (Acrylic on paper, 30 x 40 cm)
55. Reaching for the Sun (Acrylic on paper, 30 x 40 cm)
56. Reaching for the Sun 2 (Acrylic on paper, 40 x 30 cm)
57. Unknown Flower (Acrylic on paper, 26 x 35 cm)
58. Love in Bloom (Acrylic on paper, 29 x 40 cm)
59. Red and Yellow (Acrylic on paper, 30 x 21 cm)
60. Tall Bloom (Acrylic on paper, 40 x 28 cm)
61. Big Bloom (Acrylic on paper, 40 x 28 cm)
62. Small Bouquet (Acrylic on paper, 23 x 17 cm)
63. Flowers and Sky (Acrylic on paper, 24 x 20 cm)
64. Trio (Acrylic on paper, 22 x 34 cm)
65. Flaming (Acrylic on paper, 30 x 22 cm)
66. Bouquet (Acrylic on paper, 30 x 22 cm)
67. Gerberas 4 (Coloured pencils on paper, 25 x 25 cm)
68. Red Hibiscus (Acrylic on paper, 29 x 23 cm)
69. Gladioli (Acrylic and pen on paper, 37 x 29 cm)
70. Palm Flower (Acrylic on paper, 28 x 19 cm)
71. Daisies (Acrylic on paper, 35 x 27 cm)
72. Sisters (Acrylic on paper, 26 x 23 cm)
73. Sisters 2 (Acrylic on paper, 26 x 33 cm)
74. Irises (Acrylic on paper, 24 x 32 cm)
75. Flaming 2 (Acrylic on paper, 20 x 20 cm)
76. Looking Over the Fence (Acrylic on paper, 30 x 42 cm)
77. Golden Flower 2 (Acrylic on paper, 42 x 30 cm)
78. Red and Violet (Watercolor and acrylic on paper, 40 x 29 cm)
79. Floral Beauty (Acrylic and pen on paper, 25 x 20 cm)
80. Two Sisters (Acrylic on paper, 24 x 30 cm, 2017)
81. Gathering of Friends (Acrylic on paper, 29 x 39 cm, 2010)
82. Bouquet 2 (Acrylic on paper, 40 x 29 cm, 2005)
83. Golden Flower 4 (Acrylic and gouache on paper, 32 x 28 cm, 2020)
84. Golden Cluster (Mixed media on paper, 25 x 32 cm, 2020)
85. Pink Beauty (Mixed media on paper, 35 x 27 cm, 2020)
86. Pelargonium (Mixed media on paper, 32 x 26 cm, 2020)
87. Bouquet 3 (Acrylic on paper, 33 x 26 cm)
88. Pink Beauty (Gouache on paper, 26 x 32 cm, 2020)
89. Orange Glory (Acrylic on paper, 29 x 40 cm)
90. Orchids (Acrylic on paper, 33 x 27 cm)
91. Red and Orange (Pastel on sandpaper, 28 x 23 cm)
92. Pink Cluster (Acrylic on paper, 28 x 35 cm, 2019)
93. Golden Bloom (Acrylic on paper, 23 x 30 cm)
94. Field of Orchids (Acrylic on paper, 40 x 29 cm)
95. Flower Patch (Acrylic on paper, 28 x 20 cm)
96. Flower Burst 2 (Acrylic on paper, 38 x 29 cm)
97. Field of Flowers (Colour pencil on paper, 29 x 33 cm)
98. Field of Flowers 2 (Acrylic on paper, 29 x 40 cm)
99. Field of Flowers 3 (Mixed media on paper, 34 x 24 cm)
100. Blue and Brown (Acrylic on paper, 25 x 35 cm)
101. Blue and Purple (Acrylic on paper, 28 x 40 cm)
102. Blowing in the Wind (Acrylic on paper, 21 x 29 cm)
103. Black and Orange (Acrylic on paper, 35 x 25 cm)
104. Red Blossom (Mixed media on paper, 25 x 20)
105. Praying Flower (Acrylic on cardboard, 15 x 20 cm)
106. Flower Window (Acrylic on cardboard, 23 x 22 cm)
Some of these pictures and others are featured in Jindrich Henry Degen’s book Colour and Contrast.